Anthony Timmins

Anthony Timmins

City Coordinator

I am a professor at the University of Houston. I obtained my PhD in good old Blighty at the University of Birmingham and enjoy a good pint. My research centers on creating droplets of the Big Bang made at the Large Hadron Collider at the CERN laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland.

Daniel Huff

Daniel Huff

Event manager

I am a PhD student in experimental neutrino and dark matter physics at the University of Houston. I work on preparing detector components and analyzing data to find elusive particles. Physics has always been my passion, and like all scientists I love sharing knowledge with others!

Ahmed Sabry

Ahmed Sabry

Event manager

I'm a PhD student at University of Houston from Egypt, working in theoretical nuclear physics. I like to teach and communicate physics, and I want to share my passion for science with other people. I believe Pint of Science is an effective way to do so, and that it's my mission to revive it in the U…

Bhavay Tyagi

Event manager

I’m a 2nd year PhD student working on quantum many body dynamics. I’m an active science communicator and I believe that outreach and democratisation of science of utmost importance.

Jeseleth Van Rose

Jeseleth Van Rose

Event manager

A first year PhD student at Vanderbilt University studying physics. I have a passion for philosophy, coffee, and cats.

Prachi Garella

Event manager

I'm a physics grad student at UH, exploring high-energy physics. Also, a social media creator & 'Knowmads' podcast co-host. As a STEMinist, I advocate for STEM equality. Excited for 'Pint of Science'—what better way to chat science than over a pint!