Grégoire Pihan

Grégoire Pihan

City Coordinator

I am a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Houston working on the modeling of high energy collisions.

Bhavay Tyagi

Event Manager

I’m a 3rd year PhD student working on quantum many-body dynamics. I’m an active science communicator and I believe that outreach and democratization of science are of utmost importance.

Micheal Kahangirwe

Micheal Kahangirwe

Event Manager

I am a 5th-year PhD student developing theoretical models to understand nuclear matter under extreme conditions.

Hitansh Shah

Hitansh Shah

Event Manager

I am a 4th year PhD student working in understanding the QCD phase diagram.

Lorenzo Formaggio

Lorenzo Formaggio

Event Manager

I am a 1st-year PhD student working on the cosmic trajectory of the early universe in the nuclear phase diagram.

Prachi Garella

Event Manager

I am a grad student working in high energy physics at the University of Houston. I am also a social media content creator and a podcast host. As a STEMinist, I advocate for STEM equity. A life of science is a life worth while and what better way to talk science than over a pint!

Tulio Restrepo

Tulio Restrepo

Event Manager

I am a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Houston, working on the nuclear equation of state at finite densities and temperatures.

Sabrina Hernandez

Sabrina Hernandez

Event Manager

I am a 3rd year PhD student working on the ALICE experiment at CERN working to understand the bulk properties of nuclei. I am excited to share the wonders of science with the Houston community!

Musa Rahim Khan

Musa Rahim Khan

Event Manager

I am 3rd year PhD student working on high-energy physics.